Increased PSA level detected shortly following prostatectomy indicates cancer recurrence and affects 15 to 20% of treated patients [Stephenson]. Recurrent cancer cells should be completely encompassed in the clinical targeted volume (CTV) during radiation treatment planning to improve favorable patient outcomes. The emergence of PSMA-PET imaging, which has increased sensitivity in locating sites of disease recurrence when compared to conventional methods, still lacks the required imaging resolution to identify some microscopic-sized disease. The presence of such sites increases the risk of local recurrence in the pelvic region. The pipeline for treatment planning could therefore benefit from previous assessment of recurrence in the pelvic area from the diseased patient population. The patterns of local recurrence in this population, accompanied by risk factors, could guide CTV delineation for evidence-based planning. This combination of information could be presented as an anatomical map showing probability of recurrence in the pelvic area. Disease recurrence related to anatomical structures can be evaluated from the alignment of individual patient PSMA-PET/CT images. The probability map can be derived from the evaluation of occurrence related to location of disease in the patient population. Such a population-based probability map is promising for treatment planning and disease coverage during radiotherapy planning.